

CTO as a Service

CTO as a service, or CaaS, stands for part-time tech and business advisory of Chief Technology Officer to assist a startup or a company.

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    If you’re not ready to hire a permanent,​ full-time CTO, we can immediately provide the right person, for as much time as you need.
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    Some situations require a specific outcome,​ instead of a role. It may be a critical initiative on a transformation, acquisition, integration, or carve-out.​ A force-multiplier to get more done.
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    For the ambitious technology leaders looking for someone with the complementary skills – we provide options; advisory, execution or mentoring..
Business Start-up

Business Start-up Consulting Services

Founding a startup is not always as easy as it may seem. After the legal business structure is in place, business owners have to manage a range of areas to succeed. That’s why we offer business startup consulting services. ​
Business startup consulting services help with these areas. They provide the often much-needed support to entrepreneurs, startup firms, and partners.​
Having expert advice can significantly improve your chances of success by saving your time, money, and helping you avoid costly mistakes. ​

Want to learn more about us? Click here

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